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Send Your Web Presence
To The Stratosphere With Topic Domain Na

.Co Domain Names Vs .Com Domain Names
Dot Co Domain Names
.Co Domain Names
Dot Co Domain Name Examples

Attention Domain Name Investors

Big Changes Are Coming To Digital Marketing Advertising & Organic Search Results 

A keyword rich taxonomy domain name may be the answer to topic-based digital advertising, the loss of surveillance tracking identifiers and a reorganization of organic search results from natural language Generative AI.

Let Empire Builders help you dominate your fiercest competitor with skilled digital advertising strategies!

Empire Builders  -  Businesses By Topic.png


The Concept

Why Topic Domain Names Are More
Important Than Ever

In our research and development effort to find a solution to surveillance free behavioral online advertising over a decade ago, we discovered in our research and development an effective solution to not only a third-party cookie solutions, but we also discovered using topic-based keyword domain names was effective in predictive consumer targeting, online advertising and organic search results.


As many top executives frantically look for options to the loss of consumer tracking, Google has been hinting all along to small business, web services, developers, and publishers that keyword rich topic-based domain names will be fundamental to future generative AI search result classifiers.


Empire Builders solution for small business, web services, developers, and publishers is to create ancillary brand websites using keyword rich domain names that match primary product, service and/or publishing topics. This strategy works effectively with online advertising, lead generation, promotions, non-intrusive first-party data collection and topic-based search engine optimization.

Empire Builders has for sale many keyword rich domain names to take on a topic and interest-based API browsers and generative AI search results. Contact us today to learn of the no brainer alternative to non-intrusive consumer tracking strategies, or take your chances with the unvetted nonsense that's being pitched by those that have no first-mover experience in tracking online users without surveillance third-party cookie tracking.

Third-Party Cookie Alternative Videos
Topics-Based Domain Names

Topic Domain Signaling With The Right Site Content May Be The Answer To Data Privacy, E.E.A.T. & Generative AI Search Results

Dot Co Domain Names Hits The SEO Target
Announcing .CO Is An SEO Friendly Domain Name
 .CO Is A Trusted Domain Name Around The World

Predictive Targeting

Website Amplification

Behavioral Tracking‏

Empire Builders effectively provides pay-per-click and display ads to hyper-target taxonomy groups 

Empire Builders provides hyper-targeted PPC and display advertising solutions in high traffic search results 

Empire Builders provides product and service PPC and display advertising using hostnames by cities 

Contact Us

The internet of the future will consist of synergizing topic domain names with topic related website content. If your brand is struggling, consider investing in a high quality topic domain name!

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